Well, my baby girl turned 1 on July 10. And that marked a year off blogging and lit a fire under my seat to get back to it.

I really can’t count the number of times I’ve thought – oh I’d love to post that on the blog – highlighting this or that event, new company, or personal story I knew MostlyMellen readers would connect with. The essence of my little blog really came to light … making connections… oh yea, and filling the webspace with a bit more Mellen!

I’ve been told that’s a characteristic of a good leader, simply connecting ideas and people to make things happen. Well, my dears, let’s get to it!

You may wonder where the gals have gone. Em, Whitney and Regan, will return for a few guest blogs here n’ there, don’t you worry. They’re all pretty busy with life {as we all are} and to keep things simple and timely we won’t be on a regular rotating schedule.

To me, everything goes back to time. How you spend it, or don’t, and what you make of it, or miss! It’s time ladies! I’m ready to rock n’ roll this Mellen thing.

Take note: we’ve moved urls so be sure to share around and bookmark our new web spot. Things are simpler now, just mostlymellen.com