Before I had Rory someone explained motherhood as being part of a special club that you don’t understand until on that side of things.

I was completely surprised by the joy Rory and motherhood brought to my life. I did not realize how much fun I would have being in this club — it never dawned on me that the “mom club” could be the cool kids club!

I thought I’d take a second to welcome this new lady to the mama-club. Her family celebrated with the above Mellen invite as they awaited this precious little boy. We’re so glad he’s here now!


Photo credit, the talented Emily Moseley find her site and more pics here:

Anne Dean is absolutely beautiful as a new mom. I find women doing their thing as mothers to be so inspiring (in this case, Anne Dean is a local yogi celebrity in Lexington: her blog). Thanks sweet mama for showing us how you love your little one so well and are also being wonderful you.

Too often I think we envision life as mothers as worried, dried-up, crazed, emotional train-wrecks. No wonder I was scared to join the club.

This. is. simply. not. the. case.

I am my best self as a mother.

And of course some days are all that yuck and more. But let’s give moms a break – I look back at my  22 year old self, and I was a crazed, emotional train-wreck at times; I just hadn’t dried-up quite yet!

I tease, and conclude with the following ladies who are no doubt in “the cool club.”

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These women and more mom-spiration can be found on HeyMama. I follow them on the Insta.


And if you are soon to be joining this Mama club, get excited for a thrilling and fun ride.

And… don’t forget Mellen for your baby paper needs.