Well, start here. Have you found the Levo 100 list? What an inspiration! Hand clap emojis all around.

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Through that list I happened to find the dazzling Samantha Cooper, founder and CEO of Trend Tribe. While I’m completely jealous of her time with statement necklaces and college students, it’s her passion statement that made my mouth curl with a big “thumbs up” smile.

This is it.

This is my {our?} why – underlined in pink.




While the small business, entrepreneur career choice might seem as swoony as SJP sitting at her new york city balcony writing articles and buying shoes in Sex and the City episodes, at the core it is a fierce, selfless decision not made by the faint at heart. Samantha Cooper is right on point.


Why do I lead, why do I manage, why do I over-commit; why don’t I settle in to a comfortable, natural, less-pressured routine? Because of my passion to make a difference. I just can’t quiet the voice that tells me I can make a difference for good. The responsibility I hold to my community, my family and myself to impact the future for the better.

I start to wonder if it’s all in my head and a little bit crazy? It is so helpful to read Samantha’s passion and identify that between days that are just days – laughing with Rory, managing office strife that is a tangled mess of nothing, eyes glued to my social media feed, another night of Chipotle carry-out – I have a true purpose that drives me, that drives many women like me.

We don’t have to be on the Levo 100 list to make an impact, to change lives. In our own small worlds we {millennial women} are making things better.